08 January 2009

Doll Maker

In a village, there lived a crafts man by the name of Ebun, who made wooden dolls for children. 

Ebun was so naturally gifted in his handiwork that his fame spread to all the neighboring villages. People from all over the region came to buy wooden dolls from him or bring their broken dolls fro repairs. He carefully studied the broken dolls and looked for the best way to mend it such that it looked exactly the way it was when he first made it.

Ebun had a little daughter whom he made a very beautiful doll on her tenth birthday. The little girl was so much in love with her doll that she always played with it along with her friends. One day while playing, the wooden doll got broken and the little girl cried and ran to her father with the broken doll. When she got to him she complained that her doll's arm got broken while she was playing with it.

The father took time to listen to her complaints and then told her to leave the doll with him and come back later for it. The little girl said "No daddy, you don't understand. All I want you to do is use some glue or nail to join it back, that's all."

But it wasn't that easy, it needs time to repair the doll. He needs to carve out another arm and polish it, to make it look new and sturdy. So it won't easily break the next time his daughter plays with it. The father tried to explain to her to leave the doll with him and come back after it's done. He wants her to be patient and learn to trust him. 

But the little girl grew impatient and said to her father: "Daddy, you're too slow, you're not doing it the way I want you too." With that statement the little girl grabbed the doll and left her father's workshop. The father called after her but she wouldn't come back, and he felt sad.

Like the little girl, most of us take our problems to God. But instead of entrusting it to Him, we try to dictate Him on how we like it to be solved. We want Him to solve it fast and solve it the way we want Him to. But God wants us to be patient and to trust in His perfect timing. We often forget that it is God who made us and He knows what's best for His children. He knows how to handle our troubles if only we surrender it at His feet and trust Him all the way.

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