07 January 2009

To Infinity and Beyond!

Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord. Philippians 3:8

A lot of things are considered valuable. People. Cold hard cash. Nintendo Wii. A Coach purse.

But how valuable is our relationship with Christ? Paul the apostle says it is infinitely valuable. Interesting word, infinite. It means "without end." Priceless. No money can purchase it, and yet it is free. Endless. We can't understand it's depths, and yet we are invited to explore with our own lives how far God can take us.

To infinity, and beyond!

That's a cute saying in an animated movie, but in real life that means that knowing Christ impacts our life today, tomorrow and forever.

But how often do we consider the infinite value of our faith? What would happen if we realized what we had? Who God is? What is available to you and to me because we are followers of Christ? What lies within the pages of scripture just ready for us to uncover, discover, explore, and apply to our everyday lives?

I don't know about you, but I want to know what is valuable. I really do. I want to know Him. I want to open up my life and allow him a full access pass into my heart and thought life, to my dreams and goals, and even to my fears and doubts.

Because there's nothing compares to the infinite value of knowing Him and being known by Him.. 
Hey, you too! :D

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