24 October 2009

In the Midst of the Storm

At the time of this writing the sky was cloudy, and was threatening to rain again as it has been in the past few days. Indeed rainy and sunny days are here to stay. Storms as you know are a normal occurence in our country. And speaking of storms, I just learned that there are peculiar storms in the Indian Ocean - typhoons and monsoons. They are strange in that they do not move rapidly. They do not move practically at all from east to west, or north to south; instead, they play around in a circle. 

A sea captain would tell you that when they run into these storms, they locate it's center, and they go around it. By and by they narrow the circle; when they get into the center, they are in a dead calm. There's peace and quietness in the midst of the storm. I see in this the will of God. Try to get out of it, and you will find it a destructive force. Get into it, and you are in a calm, and you find it is good, and acceptable, and perfect (Rom.12:1-2). 

How many wasted time, effort and painful and miserable situations many have experienced simply because of getting out of God's will. Yes God can use our failures for good for He is a graciuos and loving God. But how long will one stay out of His will and expect to experience the peace of God? Peace within himself? How many more hard lessons to learn when we can learn them by submission and have the peace of God? 

As J.Hudson Taylor once said, "Let us give up our work, our thoughts, our plans, ourselves, our lives, our loved ones, our influence, our all, right into His hand, and then, when we have given all over to Him, there will be nothing left for us to be troubled about, or to make trouble about." 

Are you walking in the center of God's will today? Are your heart in peace today? You can when you make yourself right with Him, and stay in His holy, loving, good and perfect will.

Ptr. Joseph Jo (PJ)
Calvary Chapel Dumaguete

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