24 October 2009

Wake Up! Sober Up!

In the light of what’s going on in the world scene today, let me remind you of Paul’s words in 1 Thess.5:6, “Let us not be like others who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled.” He wrote these words warning the Thessalonian church of the events that will lead to the coming of the Lord. And we are indeed that generation that sees Biblical prophecy continue to unfold before our very eyes in an ever increasing intensity. So --

First, do not be ASLEEP. (That is a great word for Sunday morning as well!) - “Sleep” is the Greek katheudo, and it refers to a state of spiritual insensitivity, restless; It refers to spiritual indifference and to carnality. It implies immorality and a life that seeks to live outside of a relationship with God. 

Do not go to sleep. Do not lose sight of reality. This is the hour when God is about to move on earth again. We ought to understand that and live in the light of that truth. So great is the darkness around us that if we are not awake, we can be lulled into a drowsiness that will cloud our hearts and minds and limit our effectiveness in responding to His will. You see, when we are spiritually asleep, we are not sensitive to the things of God. So instead of being asleep in the light, we’re to be “alert and self-controlled.”

Paul also said we need to be ALERT and SELF_CONTROLLED. The word "alert" here means, “to make a determined effort to stay awake.” The word "self-controlled" here means "to be in control of your thought processes and thus not in danger of irrational thinking". This in contrast to drunkards (see 1 Thess.5:7). A person who is drunk is out of control and inattentive. Those who are drunk their senses are impaired. Their senses are dulled. They’re not always aware of what is taking place around them because everything is a haze. 

In a spiritual sense there are many who are like this in the world today. They are drunk on man made notions about what life is all about, who God is, and what He wants from us. There are many who have gotten drunk on the pleasures of this world - unconcerned with God, Christ and His church.

That’s not supposed to be us. We’re not supposed to live like people who are drunk. We are supposed to live as people who have been woken up by God’s Spirit and who have been sobered up by God’s Word. This serves as warning to us not to get excited over earthly things – not to become intoxicated, high, over anything but Christ! 

Be watchful that you do not get too involved, too excited, or too wrapped up in things of this life – of things that would not count for eternity! 

Ptr. Joseph Jo (PJ)
Calvary Chapel Dumaguete

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