01 March 2009

The Jesus Diet

What's your diet like? "My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of HIm who sent me and to finish His work." (John 4:34). Jesus has made it clear to the disciples what He has been eating. THis is Jesus' diet. Jesus talking about spiritual food. He was saying, "I have food that has satisfied me. It has quickened me." When the disciples left Him He was weary, yet now they find Him full of renewed energy and strength. Why? Because He had been ministering. He had been serving, He had given Himself sacrificially to minister to the Samaritan woman in need. Jesus gave off Himself to do the will of the Father to finish His work -and His work was the saving of souls which was ultimately accomplished at the cross. But at that moment this woman had a need and Jesus gave of Himself to do the Father's will, and He said, "That is my meat, that is my food."

Jesus wanted to teach us some lessons about the Father's priorities. Do you know what Jesus' priorities are? Doing the Father's will and finishing His work. And this certainly holds true for us today as Christians. Do you know what will bring you the most satisfaction in life? Not physical food. There's a food that is spiritual that satisfies beyond that which is physical. There is priority over the material and that is the spiritual.

Ptr. Joseph Jo
Calvary Chapel Dumaguete

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