31 October 2011

Devotion Entry - Acts 14:8-20 (November 23, 2009)

Dearest Yoru,

Reading through the Book of Acts brought me peace. It reminded me of how the Lord sustained Paul and the other disciples as they traveled to far out places to spread the Gospel. Paul really stood out most of all for me. I dunno if I've mentioned it before Yoru but He's one of my favorite characters in the Bible! Anyways, what particularly brought my attention to Paul  was when he and the other disciples were in Lystra (Acts 14:8-20). Paul had just healed a crippled man which brought much attention to the Lycaonian people, they thought that Paul  and the others were gods who came down in human forms. They called Barnabas Zeus and Paul Hermes. I won't elaborate the story further since we can read it directly from the set of scriptures above.

What impressed me about Paul was when even though the people in Lystra stoned him, dragged him out of the city and left him for dead.. Paul filled with the Holy Spirit, despite his wounds, stood up and fearlessly marched right back in the city! Wow Lord! And to think Paul was a former prosecutor of Christians! Now the prosecutor became the prosecuted! But did Paul cross his arms, pouted his lips and said, "Arrgh! I give up! Life before was easier!"? Did he? Oh no he didn't! He didn't complain, in fact i think i know what was running through his head as he went back in. "I'm willing to suffer for the cost of Christ!" I believe Paul was rejoicing inside just as the apostles in Acts 5:41-42 were rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name of Christ! (Emphasis added:)

Perseverance! Wow! How the Lord strengthens His soldiers. Indeed Paul was able to do all those things by the God's grace. Wow! All this talk about Paul, evangelism and perseverance fired me up. Im deeply edified right now. Praise God! Actually, Yoru, i was troubled during class a while ago because our literature teacher sounded like she was promoting FHM magazines and lurid romance novels. She says it's perfectly normal because that is how we learn and get our "literature." Now you and i know that that's a BIG NO NO! All the while she was talking about it, i couldn't help but close my eyes and shake my head.

Anyway, let's not dwell on it further. Right now i'm really in awe and grateful to Him for speaking to me as i read the Book of Acts. Well, it's almost time for my next class. History. It's now 4pm, my class starts at 4:15pm so i should be going since my classroom is in the Engineering building and it's still a bit far walk. It's been really fun reading here in the museum even though i'm with no one but myself. It's really been an edifying time with the Lord. Hope your reading your Bible too, Yoru. I should go. TTFN -tata for now. History class, here i come. :)

Foolishly Yours,
Museum Lobby, Xavier U.
November 23, 2009. 4:00 PM

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